31 July 2010

Windows for Harvey Nichols


brunch with General

Serpertine Pavillion

Sky Ride Ealing

Mayfield Lavender Farm

Hackney Wicked Art Festival

9 July 2010

Serpentine Pavillion 2010

Sepertine Pavillion is one of my exciting events in London. It amazes me how people in London could have intimate knowledge of architecture and actually enjoy it. Hence, this kind of structure could stand up by world famous architects in spite of the fact that it lasts for only short period of time. If I could have the opportunity, it will be my great honor.
Jean Nouvel takes over the site this year.
The equipment in the site looks like one of the structure.

For information
5 July 2010

Paddy Casey - Saints & Sinners

Damien Rice - 9 Crimes (Video)

Sky Ride

It is now so amazing weather for cycling and I am so into it.
So, I am going to take part in Sky Ride Ealing. It will be fun!

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